Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Descend To Escape The Well

Admitting what you do not know takes a lot of Humility. To say you know everything is the height of arrogance.

Recognizing listening to, and learning from greater authorities allow us to learn things that would otherwise be outside our own realm of experience and knowledge. The knowledge
These people share is of the sort that we should accept, even though we may not be able to test that knowledge ourselves. If we are smart and humble, we will learn from this knowledge.

This is learning through the process of "descending". We allow knowledge to descend to us from higher authorities. But if we are arrogant and close minded, we will disregard anything that we have not experienced ourselves, to our own detriment. This is the process of learning through ascending.

Be wise enough to admit that you do not know everything. Be humble enough to realize that some things in life are beyond your own imagination, scope,or reality of experience. Be open minded enough to learn, even if you can't experience it for yourself. Be aware enough to recognize greater authorities when you meet them. Learn from them by allowing their knowledge to descend to you. Be sure that you go the right authority for the right knowledge.

Analyse each colourful thread in the fabric of life. Rationalize it. Evaluate it. And add to it.

- Descend to Escape the Well, Gems of Wisdom pg 27-33

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